With a little help from Mother Nature and a nice plane from our friends at Chicagoland Skydiving Center we pulled off an epic weekend of skydiving in Allegan Michigan. Making nearly 400 jumps from 13,500 feet over three days in a 4,000 square foot hanger is not possible without some serious Staff.Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, outdoor

I counted over twenty people who came out to help provide a safe, fun and exciting atmosphere for our first of hopefully many turbine events for the Summer. These jobs included: Office Manager, Manifest, Internet Support, Packing, Tandem Instructor, Coach Instructor, Fuel Personnel, Pilots, Ladder Person, Load Organizer, Cooks, Clean Up, Rigging Support, Tandem Catchers, Video Editors, Demo Team, Cut Away Retrieving, Crowd Control, Safety and Training, Aircraft Maintenance and Luke who helped set up everything on Thursday.Image may contain: 6 people, people sitting

When you look at it in that context it seems like we pulled a lot of help in for the turbine event and while not everyone out last weekend is regular Staff this is what we do EVERY DAY! Every one of those jobs is covered on a daily basis (even when we don’t have the turbine) to keep the drop zone running as safely and efficiently as possible. Some of those jobs are paid and some not but every one of them is important.


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, something a lot of people may either not know or know but not appreciate is that operating a drop zone in Michigan allows us maybe three good months of jumping in a skydiving season. This is not full time work for everyone so nearly all of the staff have “regular” jobs and do this on the side. After a long work week a lot of our Staff come out and work another work week at the drop zone AND I would be willing to bet every one of them would do it for free if it came down to it.

What an amazing feeling when you are surroundedImage may contain: 4 people, people smiling 

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, people standing and outdoor” width=”407″ height=”271″ /> by people who are working but don’t even realize they are working and are just happy to be doing what they love with people they love.

Skydive Allegan is what it is because of it’s Staff. The vision for the drop zone is projected through every Staff member and because our Staff chose us not the other way around you are guaranteed a pure and genuine experience every time.


See you at the drop zone,






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